Thursday, January 22, 2009


So I added this image to spice things up, add some ornamentation and color to this dark space... in an effort to keep on the bright side of things... and then I got to thinking about two things: facebook and hallucinogenic drugs.

And I know everyone gets all fruity when you start to speak about spiritual experiences and all that shit and then they get even fruiter when you mention psychoactive drugs and yet fruiter still when you tell them about all the things you did under the influence of those drugs... it's like the Bottle Rocket quote: "Come on. Be sensitive to the fact that other people are not comfortable talking about emotional disturbances. Um, you know, I am, I'm fine with that, but... other people." Yet I persist in speaking of these things and I'll tell you why: we live in a pyschoactive world.

We live in a pyschoactive world. Say it with me: we live in a pyschoactive world.

A world which grows strabnger everyday especially when you realize the people you went to high school with, the people you took all those pyschoactive drugs with, are forever linked, looming, contracting and expanding, pulsating fucking comments on their status bar. Not that I'm against that or feel any displeasure in their quick quips, their sentimental stances, or their pop-political proclamations... just that I'm rather aware of the overwhelming, electrical tentacles swirling around my pupils which are as dilated as peyote buttons with all this push-button publishing.

I love this psychoactive world.


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