Thursday, November 6, 2008

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHANGE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Never in the history of this country has a campaign promise been delivered so fast.

[[DEBATE: As the country transformed itself (no... I should say: as the country became aware of its self again), the buzzwords and empty rhetoric of campaign speeches manifested themselves in an atmosphere that was palpable (at least here in this corner of the world) to those tuned in. Of course, nothing has happened except millions of votes being cast and counted. The plans and platforms of campaign ads have had no time to shift towards actualization, yet our idea of ourselves has been blown open. For some (perhaps less cynical) Americans, people who have never doubted the foundational words of this nation, this transformation did not yet transpire and was well within the outlook of their persons. Yet I can't help feel a different notion of this country today. Several media broadcasts alluded to this by holding up "those elementary presidential portrait charts" and talking of the next addition. Now, as we all are saying to each other: the real change will take time, work, responsibility and won't be easy. But there is no denying the shift that has occurred and the possibilities that shift represents.]]


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